We are Email Love - www.emaillove.com Email Love is an inspiration gallery, blog, newsletter, and agency focused on one thing - Helping marketers elevate their email marketing.

We partner with leading email technology companies that want to reach a targeted audience of marketers focused on the email channel.

Premier Partner

$4,999 per quarter | Only one premier sponsorship available per quarter (Sold out until December 2024)

Your brand will be the primary sponsor of all articles, inspiration on emaillove.com, and our weekly newsletter that goes to over 6,500 Email Geeks.


Gallery Ad

$1,999 per month | $3,600 for three months | $6,000 for six months

One slot available per month

Journeys Ad

$3,000 per quarter

Newsletter Ads

$300 per issue | Two slots available per month (Minimum 1-month subscription at $1,200)